CPA GUIDE for Beginners and intermediates Noob to advanced
HI am here to help y`all get to know more about CPA and some of the things I have learned.
So, First off what Is CPA? CPA = Cost per action.
It is when a business, company or person wants a marketing Action to be done and They pay out PEr action. So Let`s say a company Wants a lead, You send traffic to their Offer page/website and make sure it is Targeted traffic that will actually become a lead by signing up to the offers email list or traffic that are customers who will buy.
There is different kind of CPA offers out there. Cost per lead, Cost per Install, Cost per trial offer etc. There is many more, as well you can actually get paid when a customer buys a product from the vendor you sent to.
So How do we get traffic to these offers? FB is a good way to advertise and get traffic to these offers and there is other Networks you can use. But you will need a really nice landing page. First you want to look at the rules for FB, what kind of ads that are okay to post and what kind of landing pages and offers are okay to sell. Keep fimilar with this or your FB account will get banned. The biggest issue with FB is getting FB ad accounts or FB Accounts to be able to run Ads to your CPA offers.
IMPORTANT: If you are Advertising a offer in a country like india, you need to make the language to audiences that can speak english. This is not always the best quality but it helps... Or you can have CPA offers that actually are offers for these kind of Countries that mostly don`t speak the native tongue or even English
With Fb you also are able to find Markets to sell too. For example You could have a niche on Mortgage Loans... This is a big Market and will cost a lot in testing your offer and also the traffic costs a lot because of the competition. Different niches and markets will cost more, The traffic will cost more.
The biggest Advice I will give you and a BIG Secret to FB and any Advertising is, You need to Market with the 20/80 rule. Market where the 80% of people are not and where %20 are. %20 means that it is a niche probably worth being in. This is super important for CPA Offer campaigns.
For example a great niche to be in is a french Lead`s niche. Many French markets on FB don`t have much competition (THE HIGHEST compeition you will ever see is mostly in the USA) and you don`t want high competition if you want to have low costing Traffic but still good quality. Now, I`m not saying go Buy traffic in India because It can be low quality but there is still really great quality traffic in india but You have to keep in mind that not all Traffic countries will have Audiences that will be able to have the money for the certain product you are selling.
USA, UK - Mostly for Higher Pay out offers (how much the offer pays you), Has a lot of traffic, but tons of competition. Competition is not always bad because it shows that a lot of money is in these markets. UK can also have cheaper niches then THE USA, so UK is cheaper but there is some markets in the UK that are very big.
Canada - This is a great country for cheap markets/niches, It is cheaper then the USA but has great traffic, there is certain markets that will cost more in this country.
2nd tier countries - This is countries like France, Germany, Spain (I might be wrong on this one), and etc. This is great for Products that still cost a decent amount but not like super high pricey like Webinar`s for High ticket offers (Products/Offers that cost $300 - $10,000 + etc). A country like France can still have great traffic that have money to spend, But It all depends. Make sure to use the FB researching tool to figure out how much Online spending your audience has on average per month or year, This is great to reserach for any campaign and country.
3rd tier country - This is the lowest tier traffic in the world, but it is still useful `for Offers like CPI (cost per install) and other niches that won`t cost the traffic any money or much money. These countries can have loads of traffic, Countries that are 3rd tier are: India, Pakistan and etc.
TESTING OFFERS: So here we are gonna talk about testing offer. It is important to spend 3X the amount of the pay out of a offer (For example, you have a offer that pays you $10 per lead, You will spend $30 on this offer with different Ads, like 10 different copy on 10 different ads with 2-3 different landing pages. The landing page is all about converting your offer to a sale or action you want.
(copy is writing/selling people so that they click on your ad, OR on a landing page. copy writing would be to sell people and to convert traffic when they land on your landing page before they are redicred to the offer ).
This is a funnel. FB ad goes to ----> Landing page goes to ----> Offer.
The FB Ad is only to make they click on your ad and to sorta sell them before they hit the landing page. You want to make sure your copy writing on your FB ad is just to Make they click and to cause them to stop scrolling so they look at your ad and click on it. The HIGHER the Click through rate is on your ad the lower the cost per click is gonna be on a CPM ad (this is a certain ad that will charge you per 1000 People that saw your ad).
Lets say the CPM price is $1 (you can get it way lower in India, france and etc) and lets say %10 of the people that saw the ad (1000 x 0.10 = 10 clicks).
So 10 people clicked on your landing page and %100 of them redirected to the offer (that is %100 Click through rate on your landing page. This is really high, I would expect more of %50 to %80 click through rate) for $1, this means the cost per click is $0.10 and lets say you get a pay out of $5 per lead and one person Signs up to your email list which is a lead and will mean you will get paid $5.
You got 10 traffic for $1. Traffic costs 10 cents per click and you got paid $5. This means you have a earnings per click (EPC) of $0.50 and of course your cost per click is $0.10. This means you make 500% return on investment (ROI).
Your only goal in CPA is to have a higher EPC then you Do CPC (Cost per click). You make money if you do this. It`s a simple Formula. Once you know your EPC for a offer you can test out different traffic sources (different advertising platforms to send traffic to your offer).
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