Copy files and change name with PowerShell
A friend of mine asked if I could copy files from one folder to another and rename them according to the following format
here source code:
$source="C: ext72source"
$destination="C: ext72destination"
set-location $source
$files=get-childitem -Recurse
foreach ($file in $files)
if (!$file.PsIsContainer)
$newName=$destination+""+[string]$file.LastWriteTime.Year +
[string]$file.LastWriteTime.Month +
[string]$file.LastWriteTime.Month +
[string]$file.LastWriteTime.Day +
[string]$file.LastWriteTime.Hour +
[string]$file.LastWriteTime.Minute +
[string]$file.LastWriteTime.Second +
Copy-Item $file.FullName $newName
Then change source and destination variable in the script.
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