Cool Themes For Facebook YouTube Twitter
Got bored by using same Facebook , YouTube ,Twitter look
Heres A small TUT to show you how to change themes of Facebook , YouTube , Twitter and other sites.
This TUT is useful for Google chrome and Firefox users,
Step 1 :-
All you need to have is an add-on name Stylish
Download link for stylish
chrome users -
Firefox users -
install this add-on to your browser
Step 2 :-
After you are done installing the add-on go to here you can find stylish themes for the sites, download the desired theme and its done..
After you are done installing the add-on go to here you can find stylish themes for the sites, download the desired theme and its done..
To switch back to normal look you can disable the theme from stylish add-on options.
or you can disable the add-on itself ..
Enjoy Stay Tuned!
alternative link download