Saturday, 22 April 2017

Create your own nokia app for S40 Symbian and MeeGo devices

Create your own nokia app for S40 Symbian and MeeGo devices

Hi guys how are you going good? happy new year to all
So now today i have found a beta website for creating an app for S40, Symbian and MeeGo devices. here is the screen shot

  1. Now start creating your OWN app by hitting getting started.then put your web site it will automatically get your feeds link then move to next step.
  2. then make or get a good logo form then upload them and it will show them in different resolutions finish it and then register to nokia 
  3. then they will ask if you want to keep any advertisements in your app just skip this  
  4. then it will ask for some details of the app created 
  5. then you are redirected to your dashboard 
visit the link for testing the app download the app and try it (download will be platform specific)
 enjoy play around with settings and other things EnJoY
alternative link download

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