When you surf through web you may have seen some websites which doesn�t allow their content to be copied. In order to protect their data (text) they use images, flash or any other method. Here I am giving you some methods to extract/copy text from images. This can also be used copy text from games and printed notes. Also known as OCR (Optical Character Recognition). I don�t know whether it can copy text from Hand written. Check it out yourself. Here are the steps�
1) Open file or website which you want to copy the text. 2) Press the Print Screen button (Prt Scr � just above the delete button). 3) Using Photoshop or any other image editing tools crop the area only you want. 4) Drag the picture to Microsoft office Onenote. Right click and �Copy Text from picture�. 5) Paste the text any where you want.
If you don�t have MS office Onenote logon to www.free-ocr.com