Sunday, 30 July 2017

copy paste in ubuntu unix linux using key board shortcuts commands

copy paste in ubuntu unix linux using key board shortcuts commands

First to copy, select the text that you want to copy using mouse and then press ctrl + shift + c ( This make the text to copy to clip board)

Then simply to paste this content into a file press  ctrl + shift + v
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Couple License Hack v 6099

Couple License Hack v 6099

Link download:

Link Virtot :

Credit Sinichi @ PLG-Edition-C
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CPU Frequency Scaling application

CPU Frequency Scaling application

In addition to my post on how to use frequency scaling with the terminal, I made a GUI application  that allows you to quickly scale the frequency without having to note down and type in commands.

You can download it at:
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Cover Reveal Backstroke Olympic Passions Series 3 by E E Grey

Cover Reveal Backstroke Olympic Passions Series 3 by E E Grey


We are thrilled to bring you the cover for Backstroke, the third book in the Olympic Passions Series by E.E. Grey.


Read more �
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Cool Record Edit Deluxe v9 8 Portable

Cool Record Edit Deluxe v9 8 Portable

TOP-QUALITY Audio Recording and editing software
Cool Record Edit helps you transfer tapes, LPs, live performances, Internet radio, TV, DVD, or any other sound source to your hard drive. The software helps protect your valuable recordings--just set the sound source, the recording quality, and volume, then start recording.
The Editor allows you to perform various operations with audio data such as displaying a waveform image of an audio file, filtering, applying various audio effects and more. It includes a click and crackle filter for cleaning vinyl records, a noise filter for cassette-tape recordings, and an equalizer to enhance the sound quality of all recordings.
� Make high-quality audio recordings from any external source
Cool Record Edit Deluxe helps you transfer tapes, LPs, live performances, Internet radio, TV, DVD, or any other sound source to your hard drive. The software helps protect your valuable recordings--just set the sound source, the recording quality, and volume, then start recording.
� Enhance the sound quality
The Editor allows you to perform various operations with audio data such as displaying a waveform image of an audio file, filtering, applying various audio effects and more. It includes a click and crackle filter for cleaning vinyl records, a noise filter for cassette-tape recordings, and an equalizer to enhance the sound quality of all recordings.
� Support all major audio formats
Cool Record Edit Deluxe supports a wide range of audio formats, such as MPEG (MP3, MP2), WAV, Windows Media Audio, Ogg Vorbis, Audio Tracks and Dialogic VOX. It is easy to convert an audio file from one format to another.
� Audio CD Ripper and CD Burner inside
You can use the build-in CD ripper to copy all or some of your music tracks from your personal CD collection. Or, use build-in CD burner to burn your recordings to CD!

Key Features:
� Recording. Record new audio file from a microphone or another sound source.
� Editing. Open, create and save audio files. Play an audio file or any part of it. Visually edit an audio file (Cut, Copy, Delete, Paste, Paste From File, Mix, Mix From File and Insert or Delete noise or silence in an audio file).
� Display. Display a waveform window of an audio file and apply zooming.
� Digital effects. Apply different effects (Amplify, Delay, Equalizer, Fade, Flanger, Invert, Normalize, Reverse, Multi Tap Delay, Silence, Stretch, Vibrato, Echo, Chorus)
� Audio filters. Apply different filters to the selected part of an audio file (Ban Pass Filter, High Pass Filter, High Shelf Filter, Low Pass Filter, Low Shelf Filter, Notch Filter)
� Support all major audio formats. Cool Record Edit Pro supports a wide range of audio formats, such as MPEG (MP3, MP2), WAV, Windows Media Audio, Ogg Vorbis, Audio Tracks and Dialogic VOX. It is easy to convert an audio file from one format to another
� Ease of use. Cool Record Edit Pro provides a customizable interface, allowing you to build projects the way you want. It also supports standard Windows keyboard commands and mouse shortcuts
� Markers. Use markers in your audio file to quickly select between different selections!
� Selection tool. Select a part of your audio file precisely with the selection tools of Cool Record Edit Pro

� Build-in Powerful Audio Tools:

Audio Converter
When you click the Tools > Audio Converter menu item, you can access easy-to-use, yet very powerful, features for converting one file type to another. Supported conversions include the following:
* WAV to MP3
* MP3 to WAV
* WAV/MP3 to WMA
* WMA to WAV/MP3
* OGG to WAV/MP3
* WAV/MP3 to OGG
* WAV Compression
* MP3 Compression

CD Ripper
When you click the Tools > Audio CD Ripper item, you can makes direct digital copies from audio CDs and saves them as MP3, WMA, OGG, and WAV. Supported CDDB and ID3 Tag.

CD Burner
When you click the Tools > Audio CD Burner item, you can use the Audio CD Burner to burn custom high-quality CDs from your favorite MP3s and play them back in your car or home stereo or portable CD player! It is fairly simple to use and just a couple of clicks will get you burning. Have more fun with your downloaded MP3 and ripped mp3s or the sound have recorded!

Made With Turbo Studio

1- Disable the internet while register
2- Use serial that included if needed
3- Enjoy!

Size: 25.2 MB

Download from
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Saturday, 29 July 2017



que nao dizer desse jogo que e um dos mais jogados ele como o mario e para o Nintendo ele e o da Sony PlayStatioOn
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Creating a folder with limited size

Creating a folder with limited size

To create a folder with fixed size, one of the solutions is to create a limited size filesystem and mount it.

Create a file that will be a container of the filesystem. Just take ANY file on your system that has a suitable size, or create one by
$ dd if=/dev/null of=~/myfs bs=SIZE_OF_BLOCK_IN_BYTES count=SIZE

Format the file with the FS you want
$ mkfs.ext4 ~/myfs
It will say that it creates an FS on a non-block device.

Mount the FS
mount -o loop,rw,usrquota,grpquota ~/myfs  /path/of/mount/point
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Crô O filme

Crô O filme

db048d383f Download Cr� O Filme
�udio: Portugu�s
Legenda: Indispon�vel
Tamanho: 700 MB
Formato: AVI
Qualidade: TS
Qualidade de �udio: 08
Qualidade de V�deo: 08
Ano de Lan�amento: 2013
G�nero: Com�dia
Dura��o: 90 Minutos
Dire��o: Bruno Barreto
Pa�s de Origem: Brasil
Est�dio: Paris Filmes / Downtown Filmes

Sinopse � Neste filme Cr�: O Filme download A trama do longa come�a com Cr� tendo herdado �uma fortuna de sua ex-patroa falecida�. Mas o personagem �est� cansado de ser milion�rio e n�o fazer nada�, prossegue a sinopse oficial: �Ele tenta ser cantor, estilista e cabeleireiro, mas fracassa em todas as aspira��es�. A partir da�, o protagonista enfrenta uma crise de depress�o, tem pesadelos com a pr�pria m�e e ent�o conclui: �seu destino � servir, ser submisso�, raz�o pela qual opta por regressa � antiga ocupa��o, mordomo.
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Create static library for C program in Linux

Create static library for C program in Linux

Consider your C program has three files, which are addSub.c, mulDiv.c and main.c

addSub.c : 
int add(int x, int y)
    return x + y;
int sub(int x, int y)
        return x - y;
mulDiv.c : 
int mul(int x, int y)
    return x * y;
int div(int x, int y)
        return x / y;
main.c : 
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    printf("%d ", add(10, 15));
    printf("%d ", sub(50, 15));
    printf("%d ", add(10, 3));
    printf("%d ", add(100, 4));
    return 0;

1 . Compile and create object file for addSub.c and mulDiv.c 
gcc -c addSub.c mulDiv.c -Wall
2.  Create static library( liboperation.a ) for compiled files 
ar -cvq libopeartion.a addSub.o mulDiv.o
3.  We can list the available files from library file using following
ar -t libopeartion.a
4. Compile the main program with linking the library 
gcc -o output main.c libopeartion.a
5. Run the created output executable file

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Cristina M Cavaliere presenta “Le Strade dei Pellegrini”

Cristina M Cavaliere presenta “Le Strade dei Pellegrini”


Dopo la battaglia di Ucl�s del 1108, lo schiavo cristiano Jamil la Colomba � ritornato in Marocco in compagnia dell�amorevole medico sufi Mandhur, delle donne guerriere e del bambino Karim. E, soprattutto, del principe Ghassan ibn Rashid, il suo signore: un misto di tenebra, luce e segreti inconfessabili. Insieme hanno cominciato a sciogliere il doloroso legame che li tiene avvinti.
� anche tempo per Jamil di rammentare la storia della sua fuga attraverso l�impero musulmano, anni addietro. La magnifica avventura si svolge tra deserti e gole, oasi e palmeti, tempeste di sabbia e piene inattese, vestigia di citt� romane, leoni e inseguimenti, ed � costellata dagli incontri con un enigmatico giovane che sembra sbucare dal nulla. Con il suo aiuto, il ragazzo attraversa lo stretto di Gibilterra, percorre l�Andalusia musulmana e raggiunge i territori dei Franchi.
Arriva cos� alle rovine di una fortezza sui Pirenei: Monts�gur. L�, lo aspetta una compagnia di cavalieri cristiani diretti in Italia allo scopo di reimbarcarsi per la Terra Santa. Tra di loro c�� suo padre, il conte fiammingo Geoffroy de Saint-Omer. All�uomo, per�, � stato proibito da volont� superiori di rivelare la sua vera identit� al ragazzo. Spetter� a quest�ultimo il compito di dissolvere le nebbie che si addensano sulla sua infanzia e riconquistare i ricordi perduti. Riuscir� nella difficile impresa di riconoscere in Geoffroy il suo vero padre?
Il romanzo � in bilico tra sogno e realt�, passato e presente, mondo terreno e regno celeste, visioni e concretezza, e in esso si snodano i molteplici itinerari dei protagonisti, sia spirituali sia geografici. Essi compiono il viaggio per eccellenza: quello della vita. Viaggio che sfocia per tutti gli esseri umani in un nuovo, enigmatico percorso� e che nel romanzo si traduce nel colpo di scena finale.

Cristina M. Cavaliere�� mia ospite oggi con il suo romanzo ��La Colomba e i Leoni � Libro II, Le Strade dei Pellegrini�.
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Crash Time 4 2010 English version Full Rip 692mb Resumable link higly compressed

Crash Time 4 2010 English version Full Rip 692mb Resumable link higly compressed


System requirements:
> Windows XP (SP3) / Vista / 7

> AMD � Athlon 64 4000 + / Intel � Pentium � 4 3.2 GHz

> 1 GB (2 GB for Vista / 7)

> NVidia � GeForce � 8600 / ATI Radeon � HD3650 with 256 MB VRAM

> 2 GB hard drive

1.Montirovat image.

2.Install game.

3.Skopirovat crack from Fairlight folder on the drive in the game folder.

[Mediafire Link]

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Creating libraries and linking to libraries in Vala

Creating libraries and linking to libraries in Vala

This is an example of how to create a library in vala, and how to access it using several different methods. This example includes:
  1. A shared library written in vala, including
    • shared object (.so), and how to install it
    • headers (.h), and
    • bindings (.vapi)
  2. A command-line tool that uses the library by direct-linking
  3. A dbus server that uses the library by direct linking
    • makes the library available to other dbus-aware applications
    • self-terminating process after use (not a daemon)
  4. A command-line tool that uses the library via dbus and the dbus-server.

The first half of the example is based on the official vala tutorial library example,
I have added dbus connectivity and a bit more explanation that I found helpful.

1) Create an empty directory. These steps create a lot of files!

 $ mkdir test_library
$ cd test_library

2) Create the library. Save this file as libtest.vala:

public class MyLib : Object {

public string hello() {
return "Hello World from MyLib";

public int sum(int x, int y) {
return x + y;
// END

3) Create the .c, .h (C header), and .vapi (vala binding) files:
 -C --ccode Output C code instead of compiled
-H --header=file Output C header file
--library=name Assign name to library
--vapi Assign name to vapi file
-b --basedir=dir Use dir as the base source dir (For me, this is unnecessary)

$ valac -C -H libtest.h --library libtest libtest.vala --basedir ./

4) Compile the library using:

 -shared Create a .so shared object
-fPIC Position Independent Code (PIC) suitable for use in a shared library
$(pkg-config --cflags gobject-2.0)
Output: -I/usr/include/glib-2.0
-o filename Output filename

$ gcc -shared -fPIC -o $(pkg-config --cflags --libs gobject-2.0) libtest.c

5) Create the command-line application that uses the library by linking.
   Save this file as hello.vala:

void main() {
var test = new MyLib();

// MyLib hello()
stdout.printf("%s ", test.hello());

// MyLib sum()
int x = 4, y = 5;
stdout.printf("The sum of %d and %d is %d ", x, y, test.sum(x, y));
// END

6) Compile the command-line application.
Using vala, there need to be TWO links:
  • The vala link to a .vapi file (in this example, test.vapi)
  • The gcc link to a C library (in this example, -X -ltest to add

 - The vala link to a .vapi file (in this example, test.vapi)
- The gcc link to a C library (in this example, -X -ltest to add

-X --Xcc=-I. Pass the -I. (include current directory) to gcc.
GCC will look for shared libraries in the current directory first
-X --Xcc=-L. Pass the -L. (add current directory to search path) to gcc.
-X --Xcc=-ltest Link library "libtest" which we just created in the current directory.

If we had the in the local directory, we could use:

$ valac -X -I. -X -L. -X -ltest -o hello hello.vala libtest.vapi

7) Test the command-line application that uses the library:
The library is in the local directory (uninstalled):

Hello World from MyLib
The sum of 4 and 5 is 9

8) We cannot easily use the local library for dbus.
So install the library to the expected location.
Copy the library to /usr/lib using:

 $ sudo cp /usr/lib/

9) Test the (installed) command-line application:

 $ ./hello
Hello World from MyLib
The sum of 4 and 5 is 9

10) Create the dbus server that uses the library.
A server listens for requests from other applications. This server acts as a gateway: It translates other application requests for library methods into a library call, and then sends the response back across dbus to the original requestor.

Save this file as dbus_server.vala:

// Source:

[DBus (name = "org.example.Demo")] // dbus interface name
public class DemoServer : Object {

/* Functions that access the library on the Demo interface
* Note the LACK of in the return strings.
* Vala automatically mangles my_function_name into the
* standard Dbus camelcase MyFunctionName
* So a function is "hello()" here, but "Hello" on Dbus
public string sum () {
var test = new MyLib();
int x = 4, y = 5;
return "The sum of %d and %d is %d".printf( x, y, test.sum(x, y));
// Note the LACK of in the return strings

public string hello () {
var test = new MyLib();
return "%s".printf( test.hello());


[DBus (name = "org.example.DemoError")]
public errordomain DemoError { SOME_ERROR }

/* Dbus functions */
void on_bus_aquired (DBusConnection conn) {
try {
string path = "/org/example/demo";
conn.register_object (path, new DemoServer ());
} catch (IOError e) {
stderr.printf ("Could not register service "); }

void main () {
GLib.MainLoop loop = new GLib.MainLoop ();
GLib.TimeoutSource time = new TimeoutSource(3000); // 3 sec
GLib.BusType bus = BusType.SESSION;
string destination = "org.example.demo";
GLib.BusNameOwnerFlags flags = BusNameOwnerFlags.NONE;

Bus.own_name ( bus, destination, flags,
() => {},
() => stderr.printf ("Could not aquire name "));

// Use timeout to quit the loop and exit the program
time.set_callback( () => { loop.quit(); return false; });
time.attach( loop.get_context() ); // Attach timeout to loop (); // Listen for dbus connections

// END

11) Compile the dbus server:
 Dbus requires the gio package (--pkg gio-2.0)
-X --Xcc=-I. Pass the -I. (include current directory) to gcc.
GCC will look for shared libraries in the current directory first
-X --Xcc=-L. Pass the -L. (add current directory to search path) to gcc.
-X --Xcc=-ltest Link library "libtest" which we just created in the current directory.

Since the library is installed, we can ignore those local directory flags:

$ valac --pkg gio-2.0 -X -ltest dbus_server.vala libtest.vapi

12) Create a dbus .service file, so dbus knows how to find our new dbus_server.
Save this file as dbus.service. Your third line will vary - use the real path:


[D-BUS Service]



// END

13) Install the dbus service file:

 $ sudo cp dbus.service /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.example.demo.service

14) Test the dbus server using an existing command-line application, dbus-send.
This is a command-line application using the library via dbus, using dbus_server for its intended purpose as a gatetay.

The sender is different each time because dbus-send creates a new process and connection each time it is used.
The destination is different because the server terminates after 3 seconds.

 $ dbus-send --session --type=method_call --print-reply 
--dest="org.example.demo" /org/example/demo org.example.Demo.Hello
method return sender=:1.3173 -> dest=:1.3172 reply_serial=2
string "Hello World from MyLib"

$ dbus-send --session --type=method_call --print-reply
--dest="org.example.demo" /org/example/demo org.example.Demo.Sum
method return sender=:1.3175 -> dest=:1.3174 reply_serial=2
string "The sum of 4 and 5 is 9"

15) Clean up:
Remove the dbus service file:
Remove the test library from /usr/lib

 $ sudo rm /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.example.demo.service
$ sudo rm /usr/lib/
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Creating a Community QR Poster

Creating a Community QR Poster

One of the first community publishing projects we undertook in my learning strategies class, was to produce a large QR code that will eventually hyperlink to our class website.  Our poster will be 29 pixels square to match our master QR image. If your students use one inch pixels, the group will produce an image almost two and a half feet wide. (Our final poster will be a bit larger than that.)

Step 1: Create a QR code that links to a classroom web page.  I used MobileFish QR Code Creator because it allows the user to specify the size of the first printed image.

Step 2: Decide on a way to cut the code into pieces so that each student can take on a part of the project.  With 16 high needs students in my class, I began our project by breaking our code into 16 equally sized unique squares.

Step 3: Enlarge each students piece of the puzzle so that the individual pixels can easily be seen and organized.  I enlarged each of the pieces to fit on full sheet of letter-sized paper.

Step 4 (Option 1): Provide each student with a piece of the puzzle. You might elect to print a puzzle grid template on which each student might recreate his/her pixels.  Just make sure the grid is filled with enough fairly precise squares.


Step 4 (Option 2): As an alternative, you can simply have each student produce a set number of dark squares that can be added to a master grid by a select team of students.  So long as the black pixels are composed of images that appear dark when viewed from a distance, the code should work.

Step 4 (Option 3): Instead of puzzle pieces, cut your QR code into strips, providing each student with a binary strip composed of black and white squares.  This solution would work wonderfully for a class composed of 29 students!

Step 5: I asked each student to complete images that represented their favourite things, their talents, and their goals for this school year.  For some, it took a long time to develop a list of words or icons that could most apty represent each individuals uniqueness. (It took even longer for students to produce clean dark images with black Sharpie pens.)

Step 6: Put it all together.  With our QR puzzle being completed on a part time basis, we hope to have a final poster ready in a week or so.

Community projects like this one call for each student to demonstrate some commitment to the collective.  The resulting symbol demonstrates to others that the unified group is made up of many uniquely talented individuals.  While we used hand-drawn sketches, Im confident that a similar project that uses coloured squares of paper, photographs or images cut from magazines, can yield a similarly effective symbol of class unity.
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Cooking Fever v1 0 Mod Money Android

Cooking Fever v1 0 Mod Money Android

Android Games Torrents 

<[ ?_? ]>
Download Cooking Fever v1.0 [Mod Money] Android

Download Cooking Fever v1.0 [Mod Money] Android


Cooking Fever v1.0 [Mod Money]
Requirements: 2.3.3 and up
Overview: Cook delicious meals and desserts from all over the world in this FREE addictive time-management game!

With a choice of 5 unique locations, from Desserts and Fast Food to Oyster Bar and Oriental Restaurant, you will be able to practice your skills in a variety of settings and cooking techniques. Use more than a hundred ingredients to cook several hundred tasty dishes. Try all the possible kitchen appliances, from coffee makers and rice cookers to pizza ovens and popcorn makers. Decorate your restaurants to attract more clients. Make your own freebies, such as cookies or cupcakes, to make your customers� experience more personal and memorable � just like in real life! Upgrade your kitchen and produce an even greater variety of dishes. Oh, and did we say that this game is as addictive and as engrossing as fever? Have fun cooking and don�t forget to share your delicious meals with your friends on Facebook!


* More than 250 dishes to cook using 100 ingredients
* 5 unique locations: Bakery, Fast-Food, Chinese, Pizza and Seafood. More locations are on the way!
* More than 300 levels to complete
* Hundreds and hundreds of upgrades for your kitchen appliances and interior

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Friday, 28 July 2017

CR 48 Unboxing

CR 48 Unboxing

Well it has been almost 3 days since I got my CR-48 courtesy of Google and I am playing with it as much as I can, It is kind of difficult when you have a job though :(
the box
some stickers

Anyways, We are going to start with the unboxing :) The package, which it has some drawings and it is really cool by the way, had these things:
  1. The instructions that were written in recycled paper which are really funny to read.
  2. Some stickers so you can personalized your notebook.
  3. A quick guide that shows you some keyboard shortcuts and tricks.
  4. A battery which is bigger than the ones I know.
  5. A power cord, really large!
  6. A card which says "if you cracked this open, you would find Intel" :) funny
  7. And of course the notebook itself
some instructions

Once you completely charge it, which takes around 2 hours, it starts loading and it asks for your information, then time to take a picture :) and finally it asks for you network connection either wifi or 3G then it starts updating the OS, that took almost one hour, it think it was downloading the entire OS which makes sense since everything is in the cloud ;). By default it comes with the beta channel which is 9, you can change to the dev channel though ( I have not done it yet ).
dev channel

Once all that is completed and you log in with your Google account you can see a complete get started manual application in the browser. It is cool and guides you step by step on everything you need to know to start using Chrome OS.
get started

The process was seamless and easy no way to miss a step or do a miss-configuration, which are common when you install windows or any flavor of Linux. You do not need to worry about drivers, updates, antivirus, restoring your files or anything since everything is in the cloud.
some apps

One thing I really like it is the speed, it is really fast! from the time you turn it on to the login screen it is about 10 to 15 seconds and from sleep mode to awake it is almost instantly :)
not heavy at all :)

I will keep posting more things about Chrome OS so far I just have covered the unboxing and the first boot. I still have lots to talk about. You can check the whole set of pictures here.
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Creating Desktop Launchers in 11 10 Ubuntu Oneiric

Creating Desktop Launchers in 11 10 Ubuntu Oneiric

As you might have already noticed, Oneiric doesnt let you create launchers by right-clicking the desktop. Different people have different needs, but I love to have CCSM and compiz --replace launchers (at least) at my desktop so I can just double-click those whenever disaster strikes. Thankfully, there is a workaround for creating launchers at the desktop in Oneiric.

First of all, make sure that the package gnome-panel is installed. It would do no harm, sitting there quietly. So, get to a Terminal and run:

sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends gnome-panel

Now from the Alt + F2 run dialog or, even more conveniently, from a Terminal, run:

gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/Desktop/ --create-new

Name your launcher and enter the command to be launched as shown in the screenshot below. Clicking the OK button would immediately create the launcher.

Copying Existing Launchers

The above method you primarily need to create custom launchers that arent already present on your system; for creating launchers based on existing ones, there is a much easier method: simply copying them!

Therefore, navigate in Nautilus to /usr/share/applications, there youll find the vast majority of existing, system-wide launchers, and theyll be presented to you with the names and icons with which they also turn up in the Dash, Unity Launcher, and menus.

Now, you only got to do a simple copy & paste onto your desktop, whether directly on it or into its corresponding directory in your home directory. Done!

The executable bit will be automatically set, making the newly created copy of the concerning .desktop file a working launcher - it isnt set on the files in /usr/share/applications in the first place, since those arent executed, but sourced. Fortunately, Nautilus automatically takes care of that; but if you copy the launcher files via the command line, e.g. the Terminal, youd need to set it yourself!

User-Specific Launchers

User-specific launchers, including those of Wine and your possibly earlier created custom ones, are located in ~/.local/share/applications in your home directory (press Ctrl + H to see the hidden files/directories). Their executable bit also isnt set by default, but unlike the system-wide launchers, they turn up in Nautilus with their actual file names and generic icons (Wine launchers have at least their public names in their file names). Also unlike system-wide launchers, Nautilus wont automatically set the executable bit upon creating the copy, so youd need to set it yourself via Right-Click > Properties > Permissions.
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Correlation is Not Causation Electrical Analysis of St Jude Implant Shows Normal Pacing

Correlation is Not Causation Electrical Analysis of St Jude Implant Shows Normal Pacing

St. Jude Merlin Error Indicators Are Not Evidence of Malfunction

Battle of the bands: Heres what we listened to while
writing this summary.
Heres an abbreviated technical analysis of some claims by Muddy Waters and St. Jude regarding pacemaker/defibrillator security. We will show you why correlation is not causation in the sense that a scary-looking screen is not a reliable indicator of a clinically relevant security problem. We did this analysis based on our experience over the last ten years analyzing pacemaker and defibrillator security and our experience building cardiac arrhythmia simulators for humanitarian pacemaker reuse. Read more at our ancient research website. Or see our index of previous blog posts on medical device security. This is a fun extracurricular activity for our team at the University of Michigan and Virta Labs, and we may post more thoughts before we return to our regular lives baking hearth breads and helping hospitals with cybersecurity risks.

The Muddy Waters report of August 25 showed a screenshot which they say shows an �apparent malfunction.� They also say that red error marks �are also indicators that the device is malfunctioning.� We were curious about these claims and decided to see if we could produce the same onscreen displays without causing any malfunction. This summary shows the screenshot is correlated with normal pacing and sensing, suggesting that the Muddy Waters report misinterprets clinical relevance of the screenshot.

Figure 1: Our experiment shows that a Merlin programmer screenshot from p. 17 of the Muddy Waters report is not supportive evidence of a successful attack. The top photo shows our reproduction of the Merlin programmer screen photo, but without causing changes to the pacing pulses. Our end-to-end oscilloscope measurements (bottom photo) show that pacing pulses continue normally despite the three benign alerts that are expected when not connected to cardiac tissue. 
Hypothesis: The Merlin programmer screen photo on page 17 of the Muddy Waters report is not supportive evidence of appearing �to have caused the device to pace at a rapid rate.�

Approach: Produce the same on-screen screen output, and externally measure electrical signals to test safety and effectiveness of pacing and sensing.

Result: We reliably produced the same screen output while the implant continued to pace normally.

Material: St. Jude Medical Fortify Assura ICD, Merlin programmer (software version 22.0.1 rev1)

Clinical validation: Verified by Dr. Thomas Crawford, a cardiologist and a clinical electrophysiologist at the University of Michigan Health Systems Frankel Cardiovascular Center.

To verify pacing, we configured the device to emit 40 bpm pacing pulses at 2.5 V, then connected a clipped lead (~20 cm) to the V (IS-1 Bi) sense/pace port, connected an oscilloscope to the clipped lead with 50 ? probes, and visually confirmed that the device was emitting 40 pulses per minute (Figure 1 bottom). To verify sensing, we used a signal generator to produce a 0.5 Hz square wave (consisting of 2 events, a rising then a falling edge, for a total of 1 event per second or 60 pbm) at 2 mV which we fed into the sense/pace port via the same lead; the programmer recognized a 60 bpm beat as expected. We tested other square-wave frequencies between 0.5 Hz and 2 Hz to verify that the sensing worked as expected.

To reproduce the markers that the Muddy Waters report highlights as indicators of a successful attack, we introduced benign electrical noise on the sense/pace port via the clipped lead by connecting the lead to a separately grounded oscilloscope (i.e., not grounded to the �can� of the device, which typically acts as ground). This noise was sufficient to trigger the �VS2� markers on the programmer screen, indicating that the device sensed a �ventricular beat.� While sampling the 40 bpm pacing output as described above, we reproduced the count of three alerts visible in the Muddy Waters report�s screen photo: two alerts from high impedance on two leads (since those were not connected to cardiac tissue), and one indicating �ventricular noise reversion.� The pacing and sensing continued to function normally. ?

The team from the University of Michigan and Virta Labs is continuing to investigate the contrasting claims by Muddy Waters and St. Jude Medical. To receive notifications of updates, follow the Archimedes Center for Medical Device security @ARC_MedSec and @DrKevinFu on Twitter. Virta Labs also plans to issue a separate white paper.
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